plumber Walthamstow

July 26, 2014

Domestic Insulation

Normally the hot water storage cylinder will be stuated in an airing cupboard although they can be found in a loft. Lots of homes in the […]
July 1, 2014

First Aid (Shock)

The initial actions taken by a person who happens to be in the vicinity of someone who has received an electric shock will mean the difference […]
May 6, 2014

Valves for Plumbing

Below are some of the types of valves used in plumbing systems:Gate Valve:These have a small wheel on the top of the spindle and this screws […]
May 4, 2014

Unblocking a Sink

An indication of a blocked drain might be a bath’s sink draining slow. This may be caused by an accumulation of grease in the trap, or […]